Mormonism 1:7 - “We believe in the gift of tongues, prophecy, revelation, visions, healing, interpretation of tongues, and so forth.”

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What It Is

A statement to acknowledge a few miraculous stories that have taken place in the books that define the religion. Even while rarely observed in modern times, they do believe prophets and those obedient and worthy can experience miraculous ways of receiving information. There are numerous stories of people receiving guidance and messages, usually proselytized with a variety of obscene descriptions of what will come to those disobedient to it.

The “gift of tongues” and interpretation is the ability granted to speak or understand languages not known or native to those participating. A “prophecy” is a foretelling of things yet to manifest in life and is believed to come to pass. “Revelations” are not only insights but a revealing of information previously unobtainable by the recipient. “Visions” are an imagery version of what could be prophecies or revelations, but could also include spontaneously seeing things or beings previously unseen. “Healing” is believed to be the rearranging of diseased, disordered, or maimed physical bodies to reestablish their previous prime condition.

They are explained as the intervention of Heavenly Father’s will, which usually drastically changes the direction of one’s life. Often greatly anticipated by members, these events are rarely received in such a grandiose fashion. Generally, members trust their feelings and strive toward those that feel good, using logic to subconsciously calibrate everything on a scale between good and evil, according to what they know from the guidance taught in the doctrine.

When It Started

As with most Abrahamic faiths, the ideas of such miraculous events have been presented in the early testaments of the Bible, extending into the newer testaments and throughout the Book of Mormon and Doctrine and Covenants, with many stories of visions, miracles, interpretations, and healings. The basis of it being a religion revolves around the fact that these men have proven their devotion to God and have been reciprocated with such divine intervention. Because of this reciprocation, they are believed to be in favor of the Almighty, and we must trust them wholeheartedly as prophets, or more, guiding us, for we are not receiving such reciprocation and therefore are not in favor of God as well. Such events are used to ensure their validity and justify our belief in them. It is often emphasized that they have proven themselves as greater than the average man and therefore worthy of blind devotion.

However, if the average man participates in the same events, they are always dismissed as the work of the adversary because they are not determined worthy by the church’s standards, which those men wrote. Even among the members, insights and visions are more likely seen as a need for medical attention and are commonly considered misleading and should not be shared.

Even the most devoted believers, who take every story as absolute fact, are more likely to believe they have mental disorders than to believe they are a prophet themselves, for as stated previously, they must be called by God and ordained by the laying on of hands. Therefore, as long as the information corresponds to the previous doctrine, it is only for themselves and their children.

Joseph dictated most of the Doctrine and Covenants in the literal voices of other spiritual leaders and Jesus himself. He translated the Book of Mormon from an ancient language by looking through transparent stones provided in the same stone crate. Through a series of events, they lost the first 116 pages, and there remains 3/4 of the golden plates still sealed, unread, and reburied on a hillside waiting for their time to be translated.

Where We Relate

Undefinable and Expansive is adamant that anything is possible, more so than any religion has ever before exemplified. We concur that such events as these are not merely possible but natural to those whose minds do not insist on limits.

We agree that such gifts and events are available for everyone, yet also agree that there are necessary trainings and attunements one must undergo in order to summon or invoke them. We also agree on a required purification of the mind before such events could be clearly interpreted and refrained from distortion.

We recognize that anyone, when needed, is able to breach the barriers of all they have learned to utilize information and languages not previously their own, including being able to understand words they have never learned and recognizing esoteric symbols.

This is in agreement that guidance does come through all types of drastic events as well as every less profound degree, especially in the language and understanding of the recipient, recognizing that it desires to guide and therefore wants to do so where one is looking and in the way one finds inspiring.

We agree that every form of revelation is possible, from epiphanies to interpretations of dreams, to world-altering visions of destined futures, as well as the reordering of physical constructs for “healing” or changing one’s current lifestyle, including mental structures and abilities believed necessary. We also recognize that the remaining sealed plates will reveal truths such as these.

Why It Seems

In this world, it does appear that we are all very far apart, and such spiritual gifts would be very unlikely, especially when they only occur to those obedient and entirely without “sin.” While we can all think of something we do that is unworthy, when “sin” refers to actions, it is actually not uncommon for there to be a plethora of people who have never done anything to deliberately hurt anyone and have entirely kept to themselves. They are good people, and even these “good” people believe they are not good enough because they do not receive such reciprocation from “God” or any supernatural source. Instead of doubting the definition of “sin,” they become hypersensitive to everything said and done that could be slightly out of accord with “God’s” perfection and continue to add to their extensive list of what they need to obey in order to hopelessly, someday, gain the favor of “God” and at least be worthy to enter “heaven.”

Unfortunately, “sin” is a misunderstanding and not an action. That’s to say, believing “sins” are actions makes them easy to accuse or refrain from, but when they are “misunderstandings” in themselves, it becomes arbitrary and is believed to be hard to grasp. It has been believed that “sin” starts in the mind and heart, which is usually interpreted to mean that they are thought of and desired before being participated in. While this is true, the attempt was to bring attention to what form of thinking believes it can take any action at all. Often referred to as “original sin,” it has already distorted our sense of reality into the separate physical entities we appear to be.

With this distortion, all things seem far apart, especially ourselves and “God,” and it makes everything about actions. Now, as bodies, it’s all about whose body did what to whose body, or even to its own. While this seems obvious, such spiritual gifts are not obtainable by those who think in terms of bodies at all. They appear to use bodies because we use the distortion to make them seem to be. Bodies are not actually physical; everything is the Wholly Spiritual Universe.

With an Open Mind

In actuality, to say statements like “Only those wholly without sin can enter into heaven” is not referring to past actions taken, even while it is suggested and more beneficial to live a compassionate and cordial life. This is referring to “Heaven” not as a future place, but as a current realization, where “sins” are the distorting beliefs that currently make it seem unobtainable and not visible. These gifts are the same, as natural conditions of those breaching the world’s limitations in specific areas, something often done when one is undergoing the process of eliminating the distorting thought systems.

A “sin” is not the belief that an action was wrong, but the belief that anyone can take actions as a body. Every “sin” you may believe is an action is most definitely not nice and definitely not required to accept. We are not suggesting that everything should be condoned. We are suggesting that there are “sins” of worldly actions, which many usually refer to, and there are “sins” which distort heaven into a limited world. While we would suggest calling the first by a different name, the second is the distortion that made the confusion of the first even possible. The original commandments Moses threw down in anger, which the people were not ready for, were about these, and the second are what most people adhere to today. They all regard physical actions between bodies.

Even now, thousands of years later, many of us remain unready for the original commandments. Not because we are sinners of actions, but because we misunderstand reality. Moses, as an example, was accepting such spiritual gifts because he was breaching the barrier of reality’s definitions. Not strictly by his purity of actions or because he was specifically chosen, but by his “purity of thought,” where he perceived a version of the world with far fewer limitations than what most others perceive.

How We Unite

All prophets honestly breaching the barriers of reality would, in the world today, receive multiple mental diagnoses emphasizing that what is occurring is abnormal and problematic. Defining the form of which contravention has been taken, making the veil thin or not present in the specific area, these gifts are usually then deemed as unacceptable and require correction. Even while it is the evidence and presence of the absence of “sin,” it in itself is treated and feared as if it is one.

Even while what is believed threatening should be protected from, if you want to know beyond the world, attempt to trust those who breach the barriers. While the doom and gloom spoken of is the distortion of their fear of it, listen to what evidence it brings to the table. Hear past their fear and recognize what they see. They find it hard to entirely understand it themselves, for they still believe in the “evil” which they distort it with. There is only one “place” they could be perceiving, and it can resemble hell only when fear is present. It is easy to fear “God” when you believe you have done wrong. That is the “sin” keeping you out, that misunderstanding which is not about those actions you participated in, but that you did participate. Are you human, or are you celestial, believing in human nature?

Even if you were a “sinner,” you are not now. You have been redeemed, and yet if you do not enter heaven, you must not be wholly without it. Accept my proposal that you are sinless and have misunderstood what sin you are to be redeemed from. Recognize then that it can still occur, and you can still succeed in entering into heaven. You cannot be free of the chains, even if you are given the keys if you do not know how to use them, nor recognize the chains they would release. The trick has been distracting you from the real chains while believing they are something else, something the key does nothing for, while you remain locked up, believing you’ll find out if it worked later.

How It's True

“Heaven” is here; the distortion blinds you to it. “Heaven” is right now, but the distortion tosses it into the distance, if not in the sky, then in the future to someday achieve. Remember, everything is the Wholly Spiritual Universe, and it is literally the energetic elemental components that make up your world, however you experience it. As much as it seems that you adhere to its rule, it actually adheres to yours. The definition of reality you perceive is your own application. The Spirit gives you the evidence so you won’t be wrong; for those which you wholly believe, it represents them. As you break them, you do so out of the belief in them. You surrender the rules you adhere to, the rules you have made, the rules you call a “world.”

Why They Are Right (book series)

By Rev. Devan Jesse Byrne


The author of The Statutes Of The Divinely Realized the essence of Undefinable and Expansive, here to coach spiritual people to discover their multidimensional reality beyond the veil.


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