• Common Theologies & Philosophies


Theology is the study of the nature of God, religious beliefs, and the relationship between the divine and the world, often based on scripture and tradition.


Omnitheism is the belief that all existence and its gods or deities are all manifestations of a singular divine reality.

Ultimately we are Omnitheists because our belief structure encompasses every theism and philosophy. “God” is the 0th and 10th dimensions—the beginning and end of all existence, however every experience does existence in-between them. Beliefs in something specific otherwise is usually the result of an isolated dimensional focus which emphasizes its reality, we contest that while appearing complete, it doesn’t mean others are not also experienced as real by another’s perspective. Each dimension presents a variation on reality without changing the original source of all of them. 

This list slightly describes the divine principles which makes this possible.


A divine principle or a reality that transcends traditional theism.

    We are also Transtheists because our “definition” of “God” transcends and encompasses all definitions of any force, god, or deity.


There is only one God.

    We are also Monotheistic because the totality of what “God” is, is a singular form of consciousness that encompasses all existence.


There are multiple gods.

    We are also Polytheistic because, when we look to more expansive dimensions for truth, we find capable beings considered influential in developing the existence we currently identify with. As well as in previous dimensions the original spiritual development involved a "council," often anthropomorphized by their unique functions which proceeded to source all existence.


The divine is the universe and nature.

    We are also Pantheistic because the universe and nature were created with an essence of “God,” which continues to live as, within, and throughout it.


The divine is the universe but also transcends it.

    We are also Panentheistic because “God” lives as, within, and throughout the universe and nature, but also exists in dimensions beyond all references of time and space.


All things have a spirit or spiritual essence.

    We are also Animists because the way in which “God” brought about existence was by developing a holographic energetic system within itself to shape and form images and sensory experiences. It does so with its own Spirit and lives through every part of it.


A generalized, impersonal spiritual force pervading the universe.

    We are also Animatists because the holographic energetic system developing the sensory experience is completely neutral and does not personally relate until it conforms to a perceptually relatable manifestation.


One’s self is divine or god-like.

    We are also Autotheists because “God” used its own essence to create every degree of what we are within itself, and its divinity is our inheritance.


Belief in one god without denying the existence of other gods.

    We are also Henotheists because before uniting within the totality of all dimensions as the singularity of “God”, there are multiple gods of multiple universes with multiple philosophies. 


Different gods are supreme at different times or contexts.

    We are also Kathenotheists because, depending on which universe you choose to experience, you do so under the rule of the corresponding deities and the standards secular from others not chosen.


 Lack of belief in any gods or deities.   

    We are also Atheists when we are focused on the existence created to veil any alternate dimension.


 The existence of gods is unknown or unknowable.   

    We are also Agnostic because, as humans, we cannot comprehend alternate dimensions, nor be aware of them without a reasonable doubt in our own sanity.


 A creator who does not intervene in the universe after its creation.   

    We are also Deists because we believe that “God” is far beyond the relatability of what we believe our existence to be—completely trusting and accepting of all existence, regardless of the direction it seems to go.


 Multiple gods who do not intervene in the universe after creation.   

    We are also Polydeists because the multiple dimensions of existence have required multiple personages anthropomorphizing different archetypes, exceeding relatability to our experience. Their influence on our perspective usually occurs unknowingly to them.


 God or the gods are wholly good.   

    We are also Eutheists because the totality of “God” knows only “good” and simply loves and accepts all existence as itself.


 God or the gods are not entirely good.   

    We are also Dystheists because, in the pursuit of making perception possible, oppositions are required, and a full spectrum was developed to create variations and options.


 Two fundamental, often opposing, divine principles.   

    We are also Dualists because experiences like physicality require the separation of opposites, while the opposite of the physical would be its source: the spiritual.


 Two gods often seen as co-equal or complementary.   

    We are also Ditheists because each dimension requires different opposing forces to make it possible. Some, like the 4th dimension of our minds, require a sort of “lord of truth” and a “lord of ignorance,” both equally influential in developing their combinations, so we believe both to be our one self.


The study of fundamental questions about reality, using critical thinking and rational argument.


All things are derived from a single substance or principle. 

Undefinable and Expansive teaches how all variations of existence all derived from a singular essence before it could be said to have burst into formations, it has existed eternally as a form of consciousness similar to “awareness”. 


Two fundamental, opposing forces or substances. 

Depending on the dimension, Undefinable and Expansive explains that every forms of perception requires a seeming duality. While deriving from the same singular essence, each dimension differ in the combination in order to develop particular experiences.


The interconnectedness and non-separation of reality. 

Undefinable and Expansive reveals that aside from our singular derivative, all seeming separation of people and things are necessary illusions, strategic combinations of particular aspects of it’s one self in order to make dimensional experiences seem possible.


Reality is composed of many different substances or principles. 

Depending on what one calls reality, Undefinable and Expansive recognizes that each dimension appears to begin with specific properties which it would identify as its fundamental substances. Some study would suggest physical elements differ, while greater depth of observations would find similarities which source a their differences through structural combinations. 


Reality is fundamentally mental and made of thoughts.

Undefinable and Expansive teaches how to personally be aware of the singular essence which all derives, and the literal experience of recognizing thoughts manifesting reality.


Only physical matter exists. 

Through what Undefinable and Expansive reveals, we are able to recognize that beliefs distort perception and it becomes all encompassing, constructing all it knows to support what it currently believes. Physically is a dimension of perception and there is nothing but the perceiver who could expose the illusion form what it actually is.

Neutral Monism  

The mind and body are two aspects of the same underlying substance. 

Because of the all encompassing nature of perception, Undefinable and Expansive reveals the connection between the condition of the body and all the world is reliant on the conditions of the perceiver.


One’s self is divine or god-like. 

While one’s personal identity may differ, Undefinable and Expansive teaches that we all continue to be united with the original essence. Therefore, regardless of advancements or an ability to harness it, our core essence remains united with all that could be considered divine.


All things in the universe emerge from a singular, divine source. 

Undefinable and Expansive emphasizes that every thing, creature, and person all extend from the same divine essence. And while it gets rearranged and distorted through dimensions, all consciousness, thought, and decision also emanate from it’s source. 


Reality requires to establish personal meaning. 

It is taught that everything is Undefinable and Expansive, and therefore it requires us to establish meaning to everything. Emphasizing the importance of doing so with our most currently honest and authentic perspective of reality, while remaining insistent on being open to question, learn, and expand upon it. 


Emphasizes the value and agency of human beings. 

Regardless of the abstract nature of Undefinable and Expansive, every established meaning is found as important as the individual decides for it to be. We are here to inspire advancement in any direction deemed necessary, and human nature has repeatedly been deemed important. 


Knowledge comes primarily from sensory experience. 

Undefinable and Expansive explains that all we know is retained from what is perceived, including the previous information preserved. Emphasizing that all reality appears continuous because of our supreme-consciousness continuously choosing what it has already retained while minimally expanding on it.


Objects exist only as sensory phenomena. 

Undefinable and Expansive’s philosophy is consistent with reality being strictly perceptual, while a derivative of idealism the sensory perceptions are a form of thought developed to process other thoughts. All that appears to be perceived is a projection of the inner workings of this supreme consciousness and sensory perceptions make it possible to see, feel, and hear the presence of the same thought as if it is outside of the defined self.


Only one's own mind is certain to exist. 

Undefinable and Expansive expresses that from individual perspective it is impossible to be absolutely certain on the reality of anything perceived, especially the phycological façades believed to be human. It is taught that the only thing eternal and continuous is an aspect of our own consciousness which resides deep within the layers of our person. 


Reality exists independently of perception. 

While Undefinable and Expansive is obviously not realism on the service, it is explained how a form of realism has been created on every dimensional plane, establishing a commitment in order to experience each of the authentically.


Reality is dependent on human perception or conceptual frameworks. 

Undefinable and Expansive exclaims the importance of first-hand experience and that no one need be forced against there own, therefore it is taught how to recognize the literal experience of perception becoming reality for one’s self, and not merely theorize about it.


Particular things are defined by a consciousness outside of physicality, used to design it. 

It is revealed through Undefinable and Expansive that our supreme consciousness has developed definitions and maintains them in order to perceive their particular archetype, including using them to discern and judge between their collective representations as individuals. 


Universals and abstract objects do not exist in reality. 

While Undefinable and Expansive agrees that general concepts do not actually exist, it is taught that ideas are repeatedly used in the development of individual entities. While explaining that there is a supreme consciousness which maintains such concepts, it does so in order to demonstrate a gradual evolution, changing the manifestation of the general concept. 


A special, esoteric knowledge as the path to divine truth. 

Undefinable and Expansive is a concealed wisdom available to all those who dedicate themselves to decipher the world and spiritual concepts presented them. Exposing that the dimensional plane currently perceived required the distortion of reality In order to make it possible, therefore the recollection of the truth could only be perceived through unraveling what is believed to be reality.

UE: Proving information, opportunities, and strategies for every form of advancement