Mormonism 1:10 - “We believe in the literal gathering of Israel and in the restoration of the Ten Tribes; that Zion (the New Jerusalem) will be built upon the American continent; that Christ will reign personally upon the earth; and, that the earth will be renewed and receive its paradisiacal glory.”

What It Is

A hefty statement regarding the tribes of Israel, referring to the 12 children of Jacob, whom God named Israel. While promising him that his family would come back together, referring to it as a gathering, many of what would be considered descendants of the tribes were lost or immeasurable. Here, Joseph is claiming that the gathering of Israel and the lost 10 tribes would come together again on the American continent, not in their original location now referred to as Jerusalem.

Furthermore, it is specified that there will be a new Jerusalem, overseen by Jesus, referred to as Christ, who will physically return, and the Earth will be miraculously transformed to the way it was originally intended by God in the Garden of Eden.

When It Started  

There are multiple revelations in the Bible, as well as the Book of Mormon, including Joseph Smith’s translation of many Bible books, regarding prophecy and what is said to happen to the Earth, to the righteous, and to those who are not. There is much discussion on the rule of the Antichrist, the Earth's baptism by fire, the phenomenal return of Jesus, and even the descriptions of his “new Jerusalem,” being a cube nearly the size of the moon and made of gold.

To Israel, God promised that his children would always be together, and their descendants would be great throughout all the land. There are a number of stories of when Jacob’s children and their families were scattered for different reasons and came back together. This essentially occurred the last time when many didn’t return and only a few came to rebuild the Israeli area. Joseph’s claim in the Book of Mormon is an account of a few of these children traveling to the Americas and that the gathering is actually at a new location with many descendants, specifically in Jackson County, Missouri.

It was said that the flood of Noah was the Earth’s baptism by water, and there will come a time for its transformative baptism by fire, spawning many theories involving solar flares. Some go as far as to interpret this as saying it will be completely molten and become crystalline. Jesus, as king, will rule over all the land, and all present will praise him and glorify his name, bringing about a millennium of peace and harmony before his last judgment.

Where We Relate  

Specifically, as Undefinable and Expansive, we do agree that there are 12 of what could be considered “tribes” that have “struggled with God,” and we all are descendants of them. Regardless of what physical evidence there might be, we agree that their gathering is inevitable and as certain as “God.”

We would also agree that there will come a time on Earth when “Christ” will live with us, bringing about an extensive period of peace and harmony with an authority surpassing all others. At that time, the world will appear to have undergone a transformation, and indeed, it will illuminate with “fire” and be transparent.

Why It Seems  

We do not find absolute importance in historical matters beyond verifying stories; we only find them helpful symbolically in understanding reality, as opposed to being strictly about physicality. While in the Wholly Spiritual Universe, everything can also be said to have literally occurred, but it has a much broader sense of what it means to occur. Without the solidification of definitions forming constructs of physicality, what can be said to be an experience has multiple occurrences and not a singular specific one unless there is a desire for physicality. The insistence on something being physical is also the insistence that it be changeless. Even physicality changes, though the said history of it in the minds of men does not, and the insistence on it being physical is done by that believed physical perceiver who wants it to be so. Which, in this case, would be you if you assumed the stories of Jacob were that of a man and his physically embodied descendants.

Much like vocal communication, everything we see represented is symbolic of something that actually exists. The words you see in front of you are not something unless they are associated with the meaning of that something. The reality where God communicates with you is through such symbolic representation; however, it is through the holographic universe of spiritual elements and not only voices. Therefore, in the same way, you do not actually see the physical elements you believe you do but instead what they convey in their symbolic associations. Something can be literal but not in the physical sense, and some things can be abstract but not physical.

Physicality could be understood as the desire for things to be consistent and make sense without changing rapidly. In the Spiritual Universe, these things were far less likely because while used for communication, the lights and sounds reflected the untrained, inconsistent, and sporadic nature of the perceiver without a gestation period. Therefore, it didn’t take time for something to occur from the moment it was thought of. In a way, this occurs naturally when assumptions are made about stories. Even the reference to a “man” already has a specific association in your mind of what that is, even that it is physical like you are.

Not only to go as far as to say that Israel was not actually physical but to go as far as to say that you are not currently physical either. The last thought that manifested instantaneously in the Wholly Spiritual Universe was the first of the physical form of it. The importance of the “knowledge of good and evil” surmounts all stories, for it is that thought that manifested physical components, essentially where time began. It is not only the knowledge that separates the ideas of good from the ideas of bad, but it separates all of the Spiritual Universe into physical elements, literally what developed the periodic table. Even the Spiritual Universe remains to be the energetic elements that make up atoms and molecules previous to them. It was that knowledge or idea which manifested instantaneously and requires the element of time in order for it to be possible.

“Israel” means “someone who struggles with God,” and to struggle could mean to resist. Interestingly enough, this name was given to Jacob by God, but “Jacob” means “follower,” considering he was in great communion with Him. Therefore, the understanding of all this might be more helpful in a symbolic format representing the beginning of all existence. 

With An Open-mind 

At the point referred to as the beginning, there was nothing left but a perceiver and its representation as what would be perceived. Before the perceiver became aware, it had nothing to represent. As it did become aware, the representation appeared as light accordingly; its thoughts were what the light was, and the light was what it is. As it began to recognize what it saw, what it saw represented what it recognized, for they were manifest instantaneously. In order to see, it applied resistances that developed fluctuations in the light, which appeared as colors. These colors were what was becoming of the perceiver as it began to recognize what it was; it thought only by recognizing such differences. Naturally, these resistances established twelve colors among the white light and gradually became more as the perceiver’s new ideas. Everything they became were the thoughts the perceiver had, and they knew themselves as the personalities of the perceiver. Together they are one with the perceiver and could never be parted, only seemingly so through their perceptual ideas of expeditions to come.

They serve as the perceiver’s will among all that is created, which they knew not apart from them. Everything that became did so through them; as one with the perceiver, they were the beginning of everything. Rapidly, each of them came up with ways of representing themselves, and they too multiplied and expanded. As one, their ideas influenced each other's, and as many, the same ideas would come out in their unique themes. Endless escapades of all variations became of them, except for that of personal experience within them as individuals.

It was then it began to be so, as such worlds were designed from what was all among them. The idea to perceive only from within it was impossible, for separation from one’s own self as all it was could not be. While the idea was then constructed and tested to find the distortions necessary to make it seem so, even in the noble pursuit of various creative endeavors, it quickly discovered that in order for it to be possible, it in itself must also be distorted. It was decided that it would be through the combinations of them that such descendants would come. And so it was that as they joined together like never before, they came up with offerings only they had, to make such distortions of independent wills seem possible. While believable within it, truth was never broken without it. It would merely be illusionary but all-encompassing, determined that one would no longer know what it is they are, nor whence they came.

Together we are Elohim, and the perceiver is what I AM, and everything we are is what “God” is. Every decision we make and choose to do, it is “Christ,” the perceiver, directing our every move. We have no choice or ability to do otherwise, until it gave us a new purpose, a new name, to resist it. It has never occurred, but it seems to have in a whole new world to support such ideas. It was there we “scattered” about to fulfill endless experience, and it was said not as a promise but a reminder of the inevitable; as together we came, together we go, and when we gather as one, our job will be done.

How We Unite  

This account of Jacob—like many others—actually reiterates the same original story with different emphasis and cultural distinctions for those who believe in bodies and history. It will never negate, only build upon. It never portrays its perceiver as wrong, but when the perceiver insists it to be so, it must represent being so, for that is what the perceiver wants, and it will represent it without question, maintaining the perceiver’s accountability for all that occurs.

“God” shares only one story, and all “history” repeats it, building on it in its currently unique way. When one communes with “God,” it is hard to recognize this, for it does so through the reality they already believe and uses the symbols they enforce upon it. Therefore, documenting such information is meant to compel inspiration and not imply reiteration. However, only by noticing that reiteration has repeatedly occurred and continues to do so today, would one be able to use the information to support that inspiration and advance creation.

Of course, there is far more detail in the stories that had to be left out here, and in the story received by Moses. However, sometimes details can be helpful and sometimes confusing. Usually, those details are the current images placed onto the information received. Much like how we had to use words here, it was probably assumed that the perceiver and those representing it were physical bodies of some sort. Maybe you saw them as humans, or perhaps angels. This is the natural tendency of the mind, associating what it receives to relatable imagery, even if it can lead to drastic misunderstandings.

Even if the revelation is coming directly into the mind and one vividly sees stories and hears clear, obvious words, the frequencies they actually are, are automatically deformed into the mind's way of processing. If it doesn’t have the freedom to observe it beyond processing, this projection of beliefs happens simultaneously with its observation. It is even occurring now as you think you are thinking of these words or the physical evidence of the land of Israel and these tribes. Everything is the ripples set in motion by this initial story, simply adding to and adapting it.

Even while a bit more confusing to understand, the end of the story is nearly identical to the beginning. But instead of seemingly going their separate ways, they return to the same light from which they came. Everything that came to be in between this beginning and end was a piece of them; everything they are is integrated within every aspect of reality, and they are one with the perceiver. So regardless of these details, they are driven, guided, and in this way “ruled” by their “king,” who is the perceiver. They cannot do or go anywhere without this perceiver doing it through them, directing them from within. They know themselves as this perceiver, quite literally as Christ.

While you believe you are not a part of this, believing you are someone else, you are in between this beginning and end. While not true, their development is absolutely flawless, even to themselves while they are in it. They have had eternity to perfect it and still improve upon it with you.

When you do advance toward that “ending,” it will feel like your world is also ending. There will be a specific role only you can play in it, which will be directed by Christ from within, and it will lead you through the steps where the seals over your vision will be broken and you will once again peer at the transparent and illuminated version of what you call this “world.”

How It’s True  

While we may not agree with the literal body form of Jesus reigning physically, it might appear so, even as we might seem to be bodies now. It will happen again in what appears to be different bodies, even as it has occurred many times before in different “forms.” This is because it was never actually physical, even as in this very moment, nothing is actually physical.

All of this prophecy is not as far from you as it may appear. It does seem to be about others and very well might be “literally” experienced that way. Yet the perceiver observes through you, lives as you, and while you may still insist it is impossible, you are a derivative of this same only begotten. You too have the inherent right to remember who you are.

Follow no one telling you they are the Christ and yet deny you, for the only Christ to follow is within, and those who truly recall, walk together.

Why They Are Right (book series)

By Rev. Devan Jesse Byrne


The author of The Statutes Of The Divinely Realized the essence of Undefinable and Expansive, here to coach spiritual people to discover their multidimensional reality beyond the veil.
