Mormonism 1:3 - “We believe that through the Atonement of Christ, all mankind may be saved, by obedience to the laws and ordinances of the Gospel.”

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What It Is:

The "Atonement of Christ" refers to the crucifixion of Jesus, where it is said that he suffered in Gethsemane and willingly gave his life, died, and rose again to pay the ransom and penance for all the sins of mankind, so they can be saved. According to their faith, salvation first ensures the opportunity to live again, second, it provides freedom from a "Spiritual Prison" where the dead believe they are still living and struggling, unaware of their passing, and third, it saves from the lower kingdoms of glory, which are forms of "heaven" that are not as magnificent as the highest.

After accepting this through baptism, the assurance of salvation rests on obedience particular to their version of the gospel and Jesus's teachings, emphasizing God's right to disassociate from individuals if their actions are judged to be out of accord with His will.

When It Started

It is believed in many Christian belief structures that Jesus was a miraculous conception, born of a virgin, and created perfect as the only physical offspring of our "heavenly father." As written, he lived with the purpose to teach, forgive, and bless believers at the time, often resulting in the performance of miracles.

He traveled with his disciples, who documented many of his teachings and miracles. He is said to have prophesied his own death and explained why he came to give his life. He insisted that no one would ever be able to take his life, but that he would have to give it, and that he would be able to claim it back.

There were a few documented times where he outwardly claimed he was the manifestation of the Holy Spirit and was "one with God," even speaking God's words "I AM" in a way that knocked down spectators with its sheer certainty and shook the ground with its strength.

While many believed, many others persecuted him, for what he performed was against their beliefs, which said it was impossible and therefore unlawful. He is said to have bled from every pore while he prayed the night before in Gethsemane, as he took on the "sins" of all mankind. This ended in his arrest, and because they did not believe in his union with God, the people informally voted for his crucifixion.

He was dragged, whipped, and crowned with thorns, then crudely nailed to a wooden cross with five nails. He was left to hang and die between common thieves who suffered the same fate. Stabbing him to ensure his death, they allowed him to be placed in a tomb instead of being discarded, where he lay for three days before overcoming death and rising again to give his last 40 days of teachings and miracles before ascending into the sky, greeted by angels.

The Book of Mormon extends this story with additional encounters with Jesus. It provides an additional historical account of Israelites, where Lehi and his family traveled in miraculous ways to the Americas, where they grew and developed cities led by his sons. Each expanded in different directions regarding spiritual beliefs and practices, leading to a time of natural disasters followed by three days of absolute darkness. During this time, Jesus descended from the sky, accompanied by a booming voice exclaiming, "Behold my beloved son, in whom I am well pleased," and spent three days teaching and healing the Americans.

It is explained that if you accept Christ as your savior, you start the process of letting him pay penance for your sins so you can live again and live in the presence of our Father in heaven. Additional ordinances and commandments need to be obeyed to continue and maintain this process.

Where We Relate

As revealed through Undefinable and Expansive, there was indeed a man named Jesus in this world who knew "God" beyond his own identity. He recognized their union and owned that established existence as "Christ." He lived a life on earth representing this, impacting and changing lives for those willing to recognize "Christ" in him.

We agree that Jesus had a unique role in demonstrating the manifestation of Spirit and the salvation process, which the majority of mankind needs to recognize a reality beyond form and liberation from it.

We also recognize that the atonement of "Christ" liberates all mankind from pain, being lost, and physical or spiritual death. It is entirely possible for us to be relieved of all our sins when "Christ" accepts our devotion and purity, as well as the need to obey commands we receive to completely accept it.

We understand that "Christ" is the only begotten of "God" and is therefore responsible for all the sins of the world and is the only one who could be held accountable for reconciliation. This includes all that seems miraculous to many, which is definitely possible for those aware and expressive of their union with "God," and "Christ" surely has the authority to manipulate manifestations.

We also concur that the death of a body seems to occur, and spiritual death would be considered a separation from "God." It is possible to overcome death and resurrect, which we agree is only through accepting "Christ" ourselves.

Why It Seems

Physical reality could be considered a simulation, augmenting the actual existence we are having. While it is an elaborate and magnificent development, it can be comparable to a dream. Likely you have had dreams where you recall recognizing people, places, and doing things from your awakened life; dreams are a simulation. They are similar to the world you believe in, yet they change and distort it in many different ways. In this way, we like to refer to this world as a "dream."

Of course, there are many aspects we would emphasize that differ from a sleeping dream, like its consistency or continuity, our ability to distort it, or how people we interact with change with emotion. However, what we can say is that everyone in the dream is you, the dreamer. Every word spoken and action taken is by you, the dreamer, and you as the dreamer are in all things in that dream. Of course, you take a point of perspective, isolating yourself in the dream, being a body among and dealing with other bodies and places.

This is a much more detailed and complex representation. The wholly spiritual universe is a holographic depiction giving image in the likeness of its dreamer. While our bodies' dreams are weak and delicate, they are only examples of what this world is to our "dreamer." While not as much as our sleeping dreams, these bodies are weak and feeble compared to their reality.

When we process the universe through what we call sensory perceptions, we are justified in believing aspects outside of ourselves have skills and abilities that we do not. In the same right, we have isolated abilities, devices, and bank accounts that others don't have. The world of separation and physical bodies was designed to appear absolutely convincing within independent isolation with endless associations to ideas we have, appearing to exist in the hands of others outside of ourselves before our own. Jesus is the same; regardless of him in your dream or you in his, the "dreamer" owns all of us, and all our skills and wisdom are its own.

However, to the dreamer who knows its reality beyond the dream, it is the god of its dream. It owns everything and can change anything, which doesn't always mean for the good or even for the better. When this dreamer does not recognize itself, it believes itself to be a being within it, subject to its rules and laws. Like yourself, believing you are a person, a human that perceives with those five senses, you had to learn and make do with what you have and remember. This is what we are about: "Christ" is the dreamer and most of the time forgets who it is and believes it is human instead.

With An Open Mind

Jesus was a human "Christ" lived as, and regardless of the degree of Jesus's perfection on earth, "Christ" remains perfect in "heaven." You can say "heaven" is "Christ" where it sleeps as it dreams of our lives. However, it is a matter of fact, according to Christians, that Jesus knew himself as "Christ," and you do not. Not because it is not true for you, but because of how powerful you are as "Christ" and don't want to know. Your will as "Christ" cannot be outdone by the human you insist you are. Not until you remember who you are and use the same authority "Christ" has to choose for said release.         

How We Unite

The man named Jesus of Nazareth came to remember his reality; he came to know our unified Christ beyond this holographic representation. That awakening of the dreamer saves everyone in the dream. We are not all Jesus any more than you and I are each other’s bodies; it is the life within each of us, which is the way. While a specific body can have a different calling, with different natural abilities, a different name, and inheritance, the dreamer cannot be a specific body alone. The dreamer, who is “Christ,” dreamt of Jesus even as it had of Moses, Solomon, your mother, and siblings. It now dreams of you, knows you by name, and knows everything about you, just like you do.

When you are dreaming, everyone you see and all they do are aspects of your mind. Thoughts and beliefs you have, in this world of a “dream” everyone is the dreamer, and all they do the dreamer has done through them. In this way, the story of Jesus represents thoughts and beliefs the “dreamer” of this reality has, even while it currently believes it is you. To awaken “Christ” would be your salvation; it would free you from all of your “sins” because “Christ” has taken accountability from you.

It is said in order to be saved, we need to accept “Christ” as our savior and obey the ordinances of his gospel, which is naturally misunderstood when it is conformed into the physical dream perspective. The very same words have easily been misinterpreted to seem to be about literal people, especially when there is obvious evidence and witnesses in favor of it. As much as this sounds like we are making the life of Jesus into a fictional story, it doesn’t stop there. The reality of his life is very real, much like the reality of yours is also; however, even the life you are living before your eyes would also be considered “fictional.” The truth is that Jesus’s journey represents your own.

The manifestation of the Spirit he claimed to be was in reference to the wholly spiritual universe, which manifests all things into being. It was a statement of the authority claimed by the one who recalls the life outside of this holographic representation. The energetic existence where all things manifest is given to all man. It is this recognition which Jesus represented, not only in the past but right where you sat and heard the story the first time. The manifestation of Spirit right before you developed many stories to inspire you, to “save” you, and in this case, it has to be shaped into a person you were inspired by, and then Jesus was born.

To accept “Christ” for yourself, you must “obey the commandments.” This is better understood as: when you obey its commands, you come to awaken “Christ” as yourself. By following its guidance as Spirit, we can be led to recall all our reality as Spirit. Learning to allow it to be within us and live our lives as us, we become “Christ” on earth, even as Jesus did.

Of course, this can’t be true because you are a dirty sinner, and in no way do you deserve the name of “Christ,” an exalted and perfect being. It’s true. In no way am I insisting you are “Christ”; I am explaining how “Christ” is you, and you are insisting “Christ” is a sinner like you are. I am attempting to assist you in understanding that “Christ” remains perfect outside of the “dream,” and to accept “Christ” as yourself will release you from all “sins of the world.” For while dreams happen in our minds, what happens in dreams does not happen in reality.

It does seem to present a problem when there is only one “begotten son,” and this was not you, a deliberate statement intended to leave you out of it. Sure, you were not born of a virgin, nor are you as special as Jesus is made out to be, and you might not even consider yourself a “son.” This is because the “only begotten son” is referencing “Christ” and not Jesus. The dreamer with the authority of “God,” made in the precise image of “God,” could not be a body alone. It is the “dreamer” outside of all physicality being all physicality. It dreams of many but in itself remains one.

How It’s True

Of course, this cannot be realized when it is deemed blasphemous. To deliberately be a heretic would be a hard decision to accept. Therefore, it is important to note that we are not concerned with you converting to this belief; in fact, we desire the opposite. To us, this is fact, and we actually don’t want you to do anything you are not inspired to do. We don’t want you to be anything you are not made to be, and if that means being aware of this truth, then so be it. If it does not, then so be it, for it is not up to us but up to “Christ,” and it will determine when it decides to awaken and unto whom.

The truth is that “Christ” is all-powerful in this world and can awaken at any moment it chooses. Therefore, it can be recognized that it actually wants to be here; it doesn’t want to leave this world or else it would. It wants to experience you and live your life. It doesn’t want to wake from you because that means it would no longer live as you, and it loves living as you—it loves you.

Why They Are Right (book series)

By Rev. Devan Jesse Byrne


The author of The Statutes Of The Divinely Realized the essence of Undefinable and Expansive, here to coach spiritual people to discover their multidimensional reality beyond the veil.
