Mormonism 1:1 - “We believe in God, the Eternal Father, and in His Son, Jesus Christ, and in the Holy Ghost.”

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What It Is:

Written in 1842 by Joseph Smith, this is the first of thirteen statements explaining the basic doctrines and practices of "The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints." It firmly establishes its belief in many Christian practices stemming from the doctrine presented by Jesus of Nazareth, as spoken of and demonstrated in the "New Testament" collection of books, while also affirming distinct differences from those believing the godhead is a unified essence. Instead, it posits that the godhead consists of three distinct beings. It is common for those studying this faith to refer to "God" as "Heavenly Father," a specific humanoid being who lives on a specific planet and who miraculously impregnated a virgin with his only physical son, Jesus. The "Holy Ghost" is a specific energetic spirit, often called the "Holy Spirit," which can come and go from the presence of the righteous and unrighteous as it judges.

When It Started

While Joseph Smith gets very specific emphasizing these differences at many times, it starts with the story of his “first vision” where he prayed in stillness within a grove of trees, begging to know which church is true. Then he was said to be visited first by an overwhelming, painful, and dark presence, which he believed attempted to rip him apart, only to then be dispelled by a glorious and sensory transformative light, where two blue-eyed Caucasian men stood levitating several feet above where he prayed. One reached out his hand and said, “Behold my beloved son, in whom I am well pleased,” and the other, later defined as Jesus, proceeded to explain that none of the churches he was looking into were right and that he would be led to a new book he would translate from golden plates, which would develop a restoration of their true doctrine.

Where We Relate

As it is revealed through Undefinable and Expansive, such a godhead does indeed exist, and it is entirely possible to have revelatory experiences and visions of them communicating knowledge we seek. Those who sincerely desire to reach alternate dimensions for answers can receive thoughts, emotions, or experiences conveying the answers, even though they will always fit into the paradigm of the recipient.

We would also concur that the perception of the complete abstract nature of “God” would seem similar to what is referred to as light. The total essence of what it is must be beyond comprehension, much like an excessive amount of light is on earth. While the wholly spiritual universe is made of the illumination and movement of energy, it is second nature to anthropomorphize its presence into the form we believe ourselves to be.

It is common when one approaches the barrier of the “knowledge of good and evil” to experience extreme sensations of an intensely negative and distressful fashion just before entering the experience of the “knowledge of eternal life,” which would immediately alleviate the suffering while transforming into the peace and joy of the experience liberated from physical form.

We affirm it is possible to distort the presence of any revelatory experience into familiar forms, especially those of a comfortable or famous face. Everyone distorts the reality around them in this way every moment. Even while the story has been changed over time due to such inaccuracies, it is not surprising that his vision was of beings of the same skin and eye color as his own, even when, to the contrary, Jesus is taught to be of the tribes of Israel.

Why It Seems

In the third-dimensional perspective, we can only recognize what we see and feel if it is distorted into shapes and constructs we already define and understand. Therefore, it will feel relatable to what we have felt before and appear similar to people we interact with most often. Regardless of what Joseph Smith saw, it was distorted in order to be understood; everything always is.

Because of their distinct functions, they can only appear to represent themselves through the perceptual distortions of the separation of “good and evil,” a knowledge possessed by the perceiver and unknowingly enforcing images and sensations upon the experience of their presence. This “godhead,” in its totality, is not defined by specific shapes and bodies; however, they are defined by their unique functions.

You do not hear of the “Holy Ghost’s” presence in the story; however, it is suggested that the sensations felt were of its presence. As we understand now, the wholly spiritual universe is the entire representation depicting the two beings. Even as symbolism goes, Jesus’s life has been a moving and powerful story already believed by the Protestant at the time, commonly used to represent the presence of the center of Christ Consciousness.

Additionally, an image of a white-haired, bearded father figure is an obvious image that would be given a familiar presence known for hosting and birthing all existence.

With An Open-mind 

It is entirely possible for Joseph Smith to have actually achieved a degree of sincerity capable of reaching the recognition of “Heavenly Father” and “Christ.” For the wholly spiritual universe is designed to join the perceiver where they are and with what they believe. In this case, Joseph’s sincerity brought him to an experience beyond physical definition, and it only takes a moment to process any occurrence through such distortions to then be physical form, even if it was never physical. Separating his vision into designations according to their function, even while they didn’t actually have arms or mouths, they can be made to seem as if they do. Even as they didn’t actually speak English, the interpretation of what was heard was made into English, and words of a comprehensive nature.

Joseph Smith very well could have been visited by aliens with fantastic abilities who played a big part in colonizing this planet. However, if his visitation was with “God” and “Christ,” then what he experienced remained a part of the holographic representation of the wholly spiritual universe while traveling through alternate dimensional perspectives with his sincerity. Transcending physical dimensions, he saw frequencies that he could not understand alone. And while the frequencies communicate, they do not with words or bodies.

How We Unite

Reality is difficult to grasp being undefinable, which is why we have made a series of alternate dimensions to make different experiences of it possible. With them, we are able to choose a reality suitable to the level we are able to grasp and handle. Everyone within the physical world possesses specific resistances, being fears and ideas which resist death and pain, naturally establishing physical perimeters of our special location referred to as our own. With it, all reality is presented in a physical construct with laws and limits required to be obeyed by all those participating.

The reality we all see and experience every day is presented by a series of frequencies. Much like any video broadcast, the energetic frequencies are translated into the images and sound presented by the device. The perceiver here is joining with all existence with what it currently believes and has decided it can handle. The resistances of this dimension are of separation, referenced as the “knowledge of good and evil,” which in its complexity processes all frequencies to appear to be elements of different densities. When the perceiver begins to bypass this knowledge, they are able to perceive this same place, of alternate densities or definitions. If they are not trained or practiced in refraining from applying definitions, they are extremely likely to subconsciously apply such distortions without realizing any difference.

How Its True

Therefore, regardless of what was experienced, anyone who believes that the godhead is physical is merely choosing a physical perspective to be their habitation. Joseph experienced something and unknowingly insisted on its telestial structure. While “God” and “Christ” exist in all dimensions, their representation is very different in each of them and cannot be physical in all of them. We all are choosing what our experience will be, and if we choose to comprehend “God” as a body, the physical experience is as far as we currently allow our experience to advance. Of course, every experience is true somewhere in the totality; however, it cannot be the totality of truth in itself when it is applying its own distinct limits. Totality can have no limits and remain total.

Why They Are Right (book series)

By Rev. Devan Jesse Byrne


The author of The Statutes Of The Divinely Realized the essence of Undefinable and Expansive, here to coach spiritual people to discover their multidimensional reality beyond the veil.
